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Study On The Allocation Efficiency Of The Farmland Lease

Posted on:2011-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L F PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330332480579Subject:Population, resource and environmental economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From ancient times to nowadays, we are always searching for methods of farmland management to improve the allocation efficiency of farmland. Through farmland leasing, farmers who have no land can do farmland production by paying a certain amount of rent; lessors can get some rent without costing the fees of supervision, in this way, the problem of labor shortage can be solved; in the countries of which agricultural technology is developed but labor is in shortage, through farmland leasing, farmers can expand the size of their farm by using a small amount of capital, this is good for the use of agricultural mechanization and techonology, thus farmers can get more benefits. Farmland leasing is a main method to improve the allocation efficiency of farmland in many countries, it has a long history and is very common.Take land property right theories of Marxsim, this paper analyzes farmland leasing system in China's feudal society, as well as the efficiency and its reasons of farmland leasing system in agricultural developed countries, and from the analysis, the writer gets some experience for the development of modern farmland leasing. Theoretical analysis of resources allocation efficiency in farmland leasing includes improving property right efficiency, obtaining benefits from scale management, increasing agricultural output and farmer's income. On the base of these theories, the writer analyzes the status, features and achievements of farmland leasing in Guangze County of Fujian province. At last, from the view of clarifying farmland property right, developing market organization and improving government system, the writer analyzes how to develop present farmland leasing to improve the allocation efficiency of farmland, labor and capital, as well as how to deal with the relation between the stabilization of farmland contracting rights and farmland use right transfer during the new round of farmland system reform.
Keywords/Search Tags:the farmland, lease, the allocation efficiency
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