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Research On The Publications Group Purchase Of Consumer Behavior

Posted on:2011-10-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Recently years, group purchase is developed in a marketing way, now publications consumption field also appeared in various forms of group purchase. Publications group purchase of consumer behavior give the credit to the emergence and development of certain regular pattern, has also been the influence of various factors. This paper discussed and analyzed publications group purchase behavior and the rule, publications group purchase patterns and operation characteristics, publications group purchase market problems in-depth, and gave the key proposed to promote publications group purchase consumption strategies.The article is divided into seven parts. The first chapter introduced multiple-choice reason and background, research status, study object, purpose and significance as well as research methods to do related instructions. The second chapter defined the concept, and summarized features of publications group purchase of consumer behavior, from two aspects of commonness and characteristics for analysis. The third chapter introduced domestic and foreign publications group purchase market profile, mainly with some data and case analysis domestic publications group purchase to consumption present situation. The fourth chapter basically from publications consumption environment, publishing industry status and group purchase involves interest bodies three big field to analyze the influence factors of publications group purchase consumption. The fifth chapter summarized five problems of the publications group purchase based on consumer market adequately investigated. The sixth chapter proposed four points press promote publications group purchase consumption concrete countermeasures. Finally, this paper introduced for epilogue part conclusions, innovation points and deficiencies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Publications, Group purchase, Consumer behavior, Problems, Countermeasures
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