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Research On The Prcing Mechanism For China's Soybean Imports Under The International Oligopolization

Posted on:2011-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K P LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330332466518Subject:International Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As one of the most important strategic import products, Soybean plays a significant role in national interest and people's livelihood. The demand for imports of soybean has been rising recently, production shortfall,which led to the steady increase of international trade in China's soybean imports and foreign trade dependency, serious impact on the China's soybean industry security, national food safety and economic security. The underlined causes is that China lacks influence in soybean trade pricing,so makes it urgent for us to investigate.This article discussed the mechanism of international pricing of the import soybeans of China form the perspective of the whole importing process, analyzing the market structure of China's imports of soybeans and its pricing, based on the research on different links in the soybean price determining process, then came to the conclusion that the international pricing mechanism of China's imports of soybeans revealed the pattern of "two ends out--- middle monopoly--- futures reflecting". The article contains seven chapters:The first chapter is introduction; This article stated the background and the significance of selected subject first.Then reviewed and researched related literatures about the international pricing problems of China's imports of soybeans form five faces. Realized that there waren't the research about the international market structure, trade process and the formation of international price.The second chapter is introduction of the world's soybean's trade pattern. The second chapter analyzed the production, import and export situation of world and China'soybeans, which is "unbalanced" pattern of the world. As the world's biggest soybean importer, China had to imports soybeans to compensate for the huge gap between the production and consumption.The third chapter analyzed trade chain of China's imports of soybean.From the perspective of trade participants, the third chapter analyzed each link of trade chain of China's imports of soybean,finding that the oligarchic traders control each link of trade chain of China's imports of soybean,sush as the link of research, investment, production, trade, processing,and globalization trade pattern of soybeans is "America, Brazil and Argentina plants soybeans, the United States sells, China is the buyer." The fourth chapter analyzed international monopoly of China imported soybeans, further confirming the existence of international monopoly in China's trade of soybean imports on theory and practical.Systematically and comprehensively, the fifth chapter analyzed China's pricing mechanism of the imports of soybeans form pricing methods,process and mechanism, then came to the conclusion that the international pricing mechanism of China's imports of soybeans revealed the pattern of "two ends out--- middle monopoly--- futures reflecting", and estimated the respective weight of pricing factors in Chinese imports soybean trade.The sixth Chapter offered suggestions for China's grasping the international pricing right of soybean imports from China's soybean production, international supply competition, information center establishment, the futures market in perfect, joint purchase mechanism establishment and soybean import and export management five aspects.The last chapter ends with the conclusion of this paper. Under he international pricing mechanism of China's imports of soybeans is the pattern of "two ends out---middle monopoly--- futures reflecting".The conclusion has certain significance.But to avoid monopoly factors and grasp the world, China should set up form the whole chain of soybean industry, and that's a long-term and systematic project.
Keywords/Search Tags:International, Oligopoly, China's imports of soybeans, Pricing mechanism
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