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An Inquiry Into Adam Smith's Thoughts Of Exchange Ethic

Posted on:2011-06-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330332465692Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Eighteenth-century Western Europe was the era of the rise of commercial society gradually. Smith is in this social situation, the theme of "commodity exchange" the beginning of this important part of their ideological journey, exploring the socio-economic development of the law. 70 years before the 20th century, Western scholars are mostly limited to the interpretation of Smith's economics and ethics. After Smith's study appears colorful trend, there has been on the Smith law, astronomy and other ideas. However, Smith's Economic Ethics in the study, the perspective of commodity exchange, with "business community" as the theme of the overall study, is still rare. Therefore, this Article Smith, "the exchange of ethics" as the main research.The paper on the exchange of Ethics Smith has done a systematic combing, the contents of the article is divided into four parts.The first part of the thesis topics of theoretical and practical significance, and summary of the Smith theory research status, and finally introduces the basic ideas of this thesis and structural arrangements.The second part from Smith's theory of human nature, analyzes clarify people's "self-interest" is the commodity exchange act premise of human nature. Self-interest is the internal driving force of market exchange with the fundamental purpose. However, Smith has never been directly in human nature and "selfish" as equivalents. Smith believes that "compassion" is also the main elements of human nature. Therefore, this chapter will be followed by analysis of Smith's theory of human nature exchange, another important prerequisite for ethics - "compassion." Commodity exchange can make self-interest and compassion to achieve unity, to resolve the contradiction between the two.The third part of the ethical relationship from the exchange of goods production, and thinks that Smith described the exchange of specific ethics content. With the deepening and development division, and driven by self-interest, people have access to market exchange. Order in a free competitive market, how to balance people's self-interest and altruism heart? How to adjust the individual and community interests? With the gradual development of commodity economy formed the core of exchange of equal standard. Market "invisible hand" of market regulation, the moral and legal norms gradually become internal and external constraints.There is no absolute perfect thing and completely correct theory, Smith's thought should be divided into two, its inadequacies thought to have a clear understanding. The fourth part will be from the division of labor, the "invisible hand" such as Adam Smith described the exchange of specific limitations of ethics and its theoretical value and the modern sense.
Keywords/Search Tags:Adam Smith, Exchange ethics, Equivalent exchange
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