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The Study Of Chinese Clothing And Its Evolution Rules And Causes Around1956

Posted on:2015-04-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L LuoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper mainly studies the clothing cultures from the foundation of the nation to theGreat Cultural Revolution. Taking the year of1956as an important watershed of this period,it restores people·s dressing styles at that time from the perspective of history. In addition,with the aid of analytic methods of clothing sociology, clothing psychology and aesthetics,through clothing phenomena of different stages around1956, it further studies this period·sclothing evolution rules and objectively analyzes and summarizes the clothing evolutionimpetus from aspects of socio-cultural background and clothing consumption psychology.Through studying this topic, this paper aims at making significant supplement to the study ofthe history of Chinese modern clothing. Moreover, it, on this basis, strives to provide somevaluable references for the explanation and prediction of the influence of the socio-culturalbackground on clothing changes.This paper from the three aspects of the typical phenomena, the condition of clothingindustry and the clothing consumption market status, faithfully elaborates Chinese clothingfeatures from1949to1966by comparing and analyzing the existing clothing phenomena infirst-tier, second-tier and third-tier cities. Further more, it from aspects of Chinese clothing·schange impetus, patterns and forms, summarizes the evolution rules and causes of this periodthrough further exploring Chinese clothing·s characteristics and abnormalities in design,production and consumption.In the process of writing, the author strives to take detailed and reliable historical data asthe basis of the research. All the related data of important arguments are mainly from librariesand archives in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Changsha, Wuxi, Nanjing, etc, retrieval of documentsof local Chronicles, and interviews of self-employed sewers in tier-three cities.
Keywords/Search Tags:clothing phenomena, evolution rules, evolution impetus
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