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The Risk Assessment Of Bamboo Products In Zhejiang Province

Posted on:2015-07-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2181330467451197Subject:Food processing and safety
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Pesticides, heavy metals and sulfur dioxide is widely distributed in nature. Peopleonceedible excessive residue pesticides, heavy metal and sultiir dioxide things it is prone to poisoningor even carcinogenic. Due to the current application or excessive application ofpesticides, the pest control, increase productivity-but theresidues of these pesticides can enter Thebodv" through the food chain. There fore. Japan and the European Union as a major importerof baniboo.bamboo shoots are established maximum residue limits for pesticides in (MRL).suchas the EU regulation MRL of chlorpyrifos and ifpronil shoots poisoning were0.05and ().005mg/kg: bamboo shoots of chiorpyrifos, fipronil and s> mplecticsuifur phosphorusMRL Japanese Regulations respectively. For0.03.0.002and0.004mg;kg. Because ofenvironmental pollution and abuse of pesticides and pesticide use are inappropriate, leadingto accumulation of heavy metals in the soil of many of these heavy metals, it is often dififcultto be biodegraded. most isabsorbed b> plant roots into the plant, through the food chain andeventually enter the human body,and accumulate in the human body. Sulfurdioxide is foodfor preservatives, antioxidants, b’ecause in the process of peoples excessiveadd sulfur dioxide, lead to the final food products in excess of sulfur dioxide residue.Pesticides, heavy metals and sulfur dioxide are dififcult to be decomposed in the humanbod"y, and can cause accumulation effect", long time food containing pesticides and heavy metalsin excess of the residue of food, will seriously affect the body.After nearly two years of research, the final results are as follows:The average residents of Zhejiang Province, edible bamboo shoot processing product intakeis29.65g. the rfesh bamboo shoots per capita total daily intake of35.79g per day,convenient bamboo shoot total intake is24.03g. the average per person per day bamboostem total intake is30.62g.Through monitoring and analysis,246samples there is no pesticide residues.Heavymetal exceed the standard a total of28copies.24copies of vvhicliHangzhou. Ningbo, Lishui andother2copies I copies and1copies of Shaoxing,Based on the standard of GB2760detection ofsulfur dioxide, sulfur dioxidesamples did not exceed the standard: based on the standard of NY1048.detected Ningbo convenient bamboo shoots and exceed the standard. exceed the standard0.19times. Microbial colony count exceed the standard12copies. I copies of coliform and a colony count exceed the standard, the pathogenic bacteria were not detected.Put forward respectively according to JECFA and FAO/WHO As maximum permissible intake and Pb daily per capita intake may allow limited (PTDI) and sulfur dioxide maximum permissible intake were2μg/kg·day,200μg/day (adult weight60kg calculation. Pb maximum allowable intake was3.33μ g/kg·day) were compared and the exposure of bamboo shoot processing products of edible of700μ g/kg·day and Zhejiang Province. the largest concentration of only Pb exposure exceeds the standard, and in the P50locus had reached4.26μ g/kg·day, more than half the population will be explained in the Pb poisoning. The degree of exposure of three kinds of bamboo shoot products Pb for the convenience of bamboo shoots, dried bamboo shoots. fresh bamboo shoots. degree of exposure beyond the standard area convenient shoots of Zhoushan>Jinhua>Wenzhou>Taizhou>Jiaxing>Hangzhou>areas:bamboo stem exposure of Jiaxing>Zhoushan>HangAmong246samples, only1Ningbo convenient bamboo shoots were polluted by Pb. but the harm coefficient THQ show, still in the safe range when eating. TTHQ display, people in Hangzhou. Jiaxing. Quzhou. Taizhou. Wenzhou and the province is convenient to eat bamboo shoots, heavy metal content may bringsome negative effects on human health, the Jinhua and Zhoushan area is convenient to eat bamboo shoots. the presence of chronic toxic effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pesticide residues, heavy metals and sulfur dioxide, bamboo products, risk assessment
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