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Urban Road Environmental Impact Assessment

Posted on:2015-04-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J N YeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2181330431474230Subject:Traffic Information Engineering & Control
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, with the rapid development of the national economy and theimprovement of people’s living standard, the environmental problems caused byurban traffic development increasingly prominent, traffic environment impactassessment is particularly important, and the sound environment impact assessment isone of the important content. Based on the prediction of urban traffic noise, canunderstand resulting from operation after the completion of the project, the impact ofnoise on the sensitive and effective noise control measures are put forward accordingto the results of the prediction to reduce the noise influence brought by the project.Chinese ministry of environmental protection issued "environmental impactassessment technical guideline of sound environment"(HJ2.4-2009) in2009, putforward higher requirements noise impact assessment, and the traffic noise predictionbasic pattern.The research object of this paper is in the urban road tunnel. City road noiseenvironmental impact assessment is a complex work, and the noise prediction is animportant content of urban road noise environmental impact assessment. The trafficnoise prediction model for urban tunnel is based on―environmental impactassessment technical guideline sound environment‖(HJ2.4-2009). A further study oftunnel traffic noise impact assessment, and taking NanJing Meizizhou river-crossingtunnel as a case.Comparing the results by the new model with the results of theguideline, and analysis the error. Especially for the urban tunnel noise environmentalimpact assessment provides guidance and reference. Finally put forward somemethods of reduce urban tunnel traffic noise.
Keywords/Search Tags:city tunnel, prediction model, environmental impact assessment, noise
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