As the development of information technologe and computuer widely apllication, how to make sure and promote software quality had become one of the most important problem of the software engineering. Software quality assuarance technologe regarding software testing as center had get rapid development in software production practice. But as the software scale grown larger and promoted complication, traditional software testing techonologe can not meet the needs of the modern software development technologe any more. Especially the Object-Oriented techonologe, which has been widely applied in recent years, had not only increased the flexibility of program development and promoted codes reusability, but also had given a new challenge of traditonal software testing. Unified Modeling Language (UML) had been widely accepted in industy and had become a standard modeling language in the academic domain at the same time. Many researches of OO software testing were centered on UML model. Because UML model had decripted the system blueprint of the software in all round, researches based on UML model software testing was favorable for advancing testing to early stage of software development period. This thesis based on analizing recent software testing technologe, had thoroughly researched into polymorphism based on UML model. That's very important for software testing thory and technologe on hand.Due to UML collaboration diagram emphasizes on graphics pattern and displayes objects interaction in the angle of space, so extracting test case from it directly was not convenient. We had to do its formal equivalent transformation. Traditional Interprocedural Restricted Control-Flow Graph (IRCFG) has descripted clearly the control logic of collaboration diagram's interation information, but it did not combine into class diagram. It can't test the polymorphism of OO program. So we brought forward Polymorphic Class Interprocedural Restricted Control-Flow Graph (PCIRCFG) model of polymorphism expansion with class diagram information, and descripted it patternedly. Meanwhile we brought forward coupling coverage which was suitable for PCIRCFG, and supplied a method of extracting testing sequence from PCIRCFG. It solved the polymorphism testing problem of OO technologe effectively.Finally , under the direction of this theory, we had designed and implemented a software testing architecture based on UML model and demostrated the main structure of it. And then research of every fuction model design and related key technologe during realiaztion. Based on matual commercial Power Desinger model at present, this thesis had thoroughly researched into its generated Object-Oriented Model, and had sucessfully extracted useful model information. After defining the data structure of PCIRCFG model, we implemented the building algorithm of PCIRCFG and its traverse algorithm base on exclusive coupling coverage. We extracted the polymorphic testing sequences from real model and showed the validity of this method. |