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Research On Rational Cryptographic Protocols And Its Application

Posted on:2010-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H DuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rational Cryptographic Protocol is a rather new research area which is currently emerging, as part of the larger trend of algorithmic game theory, the main purpose of which is to provide an understanding of Secure Multi-Party Computation based on the tools and language of game theory, and to analyze systems consisting of several participants with partially conflicting interests.Rational Cryptographic Protocol is a field in huge growth internationally. In addition to being interdisciplinary between economics and computer science, it is also interdisciplinary within computer science itself, involving the communities of algorithms, cryptography, computational complexity theory, and artificial intelligence.In this paper, we may do a preliminary research of Rational Cryptographic Protocols, by putting forward a mathematical model in theory, and analyzing the participants in the choice of strategy and earnings, base on which to improve the traditional Multi-Party Secure Sum Computation and the traditional Multi-Party Secure Product Computation, in order to make their implementations be more in line with the objective law of the real world.This paper will also use Rational Cryptographic Protocols for practical applications, to construct a new Key Escrowing scheme, based on the fair Diffie-Hellman scheme, and at last will introduce its application of digital fingerprinting.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rational Cryptographic Protocols, Game Theory, Secure Multi-Party Computation, Multi-Party Secure Sum Computation, Multi-Party Secure Product Computation, Key Escrowing, Digital Fingerprinting
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