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Blog Communication And Medium Event

Posted on:2008-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B B ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The blog- the medium which obtains the most attention in the web2.0 time, its appearance is just like pouring stimulant into the media industry. The media events which produced by blogs have emerged one after another incessantly. No matter how the blog participants the event, the blog all expanded the medium event influence.This article has attempted to analyze and to summarize how the blog participates in the medium event. The arrangement of article is as follows: in the second chapter, has carried on the limits to the two cores concept——blog and medium event; has combed domestic and foreign research to this question, and discovered the research about this question appeared after 2005, the subject mainly concentrated on the exploration of the society influence that the blog disseminated to the significant medium event. the third chapter has reviewed the history of the blog participating in the medium event ,the fourth chapter has carried on the theoretical analysis of the technical platform to the blog, contrasted the blog communication and the mass media communication, the fifth chapter, namely the core of the article, has summarized the way of the blog participating in the medium event and proposed four kind of participation forms: firing——acts as the news source, miring——enlarges event details, stretching——carries on the following surveillance and the supplement, and the commentary field——forms the huge commentary strength to expand influence of the events. Finally, the article has discussed the subjective and the objective reasons of the blog participating in the medium event.
Keywords/Search Tags:blog, medium event, firing, miring, stretching, commentary field
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