Seal domain watermark security system utilizes seal domain watermark technology on base of PKI/CA platform to protect both digital documents and paper documents. So that the system expands the application fields of digital watermark and PKI technology from the digital domain to the analog domain. Seal image classification and identification method research is new research project in computer digital image processing and mode identification research fields. Nowadays it has an extremely important application. Therefore, the research of seal image classification method in seal watermarking security system has considerable realistic significance.In this paper, we summarize the main weakness of the existing Seal domain watermark security system. We also find a perfect solution to solve the problem for the system and design corresponding algorithm. The valuable research fruits are as follows:1. Proposes a seal image feature extract method on base of wavelet invariant moment. Account of seal features in existing seal domain watermark security system, we respectively extracts feature value of seal image on global moment (Hu Moment) and wavelet invariant moment. At last, we compare these two kinds of feature values and obtain the long comings and short comings of both, then, we get the seal image feature extract method of fairly good performance.2. Adds the seal image classifying algorithm based on wavelet invariant moment into the existing seal domain watermark security system. Account of the fault in the existing seal domain watermark security system, which is it doesn't support various kinds of seals, this paper presents the corresponding solution, that is before watermark embedding and extracting we can do seal images classifying and identification and designs classification algorithm. By this we realize the goal of adaptation of the system to different kinds of seal shape. After a lot of experiments, the result proves that this algorithm can help us to solve the problem we have mentioned before. |