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The Research Of Security Electronic Transaction Protocol

Posted on:2008-04-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360218956651Subject:Computer applications
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of personal computer and Internet, a global commerce era has arrived. Knowledge-based economy is instead of industry economy gradually. As a new application area of Internet electronic commerce is heading for every segment and every field of conventional commerce activities and influence and change every area of social and economical life directly. The appearance of electronic commerce advances the development of social undoubtedly. According to what the experts estimated, in the future 5 to 10 years, no matter where the company is, clients can go shopping in a convenient fashion. In the meantime, all the companies can compete in the global range. They can adjust their sale strategy on basis of the competitors' information and stocks information.Of course, like emergence of every new technology, electronic commerce can't bring potential into full play. And people can't settle all the problems in the electronic commerce transactions. However, in the long-term development, we can't estimate the importance of electronic commerce.Electronic commerce is built up on an open flat-top building. Whatever information transmitting in the net can be stolen, and there is a problem of equity between merchants and clients. In order to develop electronic commerce, related problems must be settled. The security of electronic commerce includes the security of computer network and the security of business transactions. The security of business transactions is guaranteed by encryption technology, security protocol. The main security protocol in the electronic commerce is SSL protocol and SET protocol.This paper focuses on improvement of SET. In the SET protocol, fairness is an important problem that can't be neglected in electric transaction. It means that in every stage, the merchants can't be in advantageous stage or the clients can't be in advantageous stage either. The application of Lagrange interpolation formula in protocol of secure electronic transaction can increase fairness in some degree between merchants and clients. In the presupposition of ensuring benefit of merchants, the benefit of clients is also ensured.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electronic Commerce, Cipher, Fairness, Lagrange Interpolation Formula
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