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Compared With The People's Daily And The Ta Kung Pao The Difference Which Reported To The War In Iraqi

Posted on:2008-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an old-line newspaper system,part organ played a great role in our long-time Administrivia propagandize enterise. Under the function of the market economy, alllevels of the part organ must face the dual heavy load: the political leading and marketsconduct. Particularly the province-level part organs face more market pressure andpredicamentthe thesis compare the choice of news,the agenda arrange,the authenticity of news and so on between the reporting of part organ and popular paper ,during the war between the American and Iraq.through the comparison,the thesis find some phenomenas. first of all,part organ chosse some news which accord to the princile and position of government. the phenomena illuminate the function of part organ that is leading of consensus and domesticating of morality. Comparing with part organ,the reporting of popular paper is so agility. popular paper report anything that is valuable.the seconed,in the agenda arrange, part organ takes news that is what goverment emphasize,as its priority. the other news is arranged accord to the value of news. whereas popular paper arrange all the news accord to the value of news competely. what reader care about is popular paper emphasize.the third,authenticity of news of part organ is better than popular paper. there is no doubt about authority of news in the part organ. besides those,the thesis find a lot phenomena else.synthesize those phenomenas the thesis get this conclusion:based on news truth,part organ put more attention on the instigation function of media. in the process of reporting,part organ thinks itself as a commander, take an commanding attitude toward reader. it adopt theory of taking disseminate as center. popular paper ,in the process of reporting,as possible as it could to attract reader. put more attention on the news that reader is interested in. attracting reader is mostly aim of popular paper.parto rgans, forma lwaysd ifficultlyg oesfo rward in a dilemma between public opinion guide andin dustrye conomyd evelopment.Then it put forword that we must re- examine the dual property and multi-function of the part organs.The property of the part organs comes to a decision that it can't tend towards the market completely.But as another kind of newspaper---the newspaper of the non-party report and then on-organization report,can laya side the frame of the administration class completely,practice in the market to make self-sufficient, carry out independent development of the industry economy...
Keywords/Search Tags:Difference
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