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Research On Traitor Tracing Schemes

Posted on:2008-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J FengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of networks and digital technology, the protection of the copyrights of digital products has become a crucial issue that calls for immediate solution. In broadcast encryption systems, traitor tracing schemes are able to trace the piracy back to its original source, which in turn will thwart rampant piracy and help to protect the legal interests of copyright owners. This paper focuses on traitor tracing schemes, and the major contents are as follows:To introduce the background and significance of studying traitor tracing , and explain its connections with cryptography and information hiding;To give a brief introduction of the technology of information hiding, digital watermarking, and digital fingerprinting;To present the general model of traitor tracing schemes and review the research that has been carried out in this field;To propose two improved traitor tracing schemes: one is based on RSA, the other is based on bilinear map; and then introduce two representative schemes: linear code implies public-key traitor tracing schemes and practical pay-TV scheme using traitor tracing scheme for multiple channels.
Keywords/Search Tags:Copyright protection, Information hiding, Digital watermarking, Traitor tracing
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