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The Research On Journalism Consensus Ideologies Of The Bourgeois Meliorate In Latter-day China

Posted on:2007-01-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The bourgeois meliorate, in latter-days China, was the outcome of the social contradictions' development;they had unique consequence in the history of China and produced gigantic influences on the development of Chinese latter-day. After Opium War, the traditional-social structure of china was broken down, west colonists pressed on the force aggression and culture infiltration into China. Facing the national calamities and the life and death of Chinese nation, the rising bourgeois meliorate ideologists asked for political reforms to save the serious conditions of the nation. Waking up to the effects of press in modern society, they, the bourgeois meliorate ideologists, in order to achieve their political ideals, turned to try-on the utilization of modern press.In the late of 19th century, the bourgeois meliorate founded newspapers, asking for political reform, and raised a tidemark development the industry of Chinese newspapers. In their practice, they began to research modern presses, their effects and functions in society;then many journalism ideologies paid off their efforts at last. Because, from the scope of journalism, relevant researchers are mostly localized in the bourgeois meliorate ideologies, though there are a lot of deep and particular researches, researches on the bourgeois meliorate journalism ideologies of representative people are unsubstantial and lack except for the research on LIANG Qichao's ideologies.The thesis tries to, which is based on the literature analysis and contradistinction, discuss the journalism consensus ideologies of some representative people in the period from late 19th century to the beginning of 20th century of China. These people were the bourgeois meliorate party in this period, including WANG Tao, ZHENG GuanYing, YAN Fu, KANG Youwei, TAN Sitong, and LIANG Qichao and so on. By using the reference of other journalism scholars" research productions, this thesis also wants to find the journalism and public opinion ideologies included in these people's claims for modern newspapers. It is hoped to give the main threads of the bourgeois meliorate journalism ideologies and their development for almost half century of China in this thesis. Although these ideologies were scattered and immethodical, they also gave a start of researches on modern consensus and made a mass foundation for the later researchers..
Keywords/Search Tags:The bourgeois meliorate, Consensus, Journalism consensus
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