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Design Of MAC Address Switch Module On 2-Layer Eth Chip

Posted on:2012-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J B GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178330338989702Subject:Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ethernet technology is simple to use, cheap to implement, and its bandwidth can be continuously improved. Whether as a business or as a kind of network structure, ethernet has already been widely used in intracity networks and WAN (wide area network).Advantages of Ethernet are:relatively cheap port price, easy to understand and wide application. Ethernet has developed for 30 years, and effectively support IP business, it can well satisfy future needs for IP–based data access and bearing business.This dissertation introduces related research of Ethernet, and it is composed of the following portions:(1)A brief introduction about Ethernet: its development course, principle of Ethernet switches machine and so on.(2)Basic knowledge of communication systems, including communication protocol model, Ethernet frame format, all of these provides a theoretical support to the design of MAC address switch module.(3)A hardware implementation scheme of MAC address switch module according to functions of MAC address switch module.The design is partitioned according to functions, and interface signals between modules are defined, then each module is designed using Verilog HDL.A dual-HASH plus CAM strategy was proposed, which can increase the table look-up speed and minimized conflicts.A synthesizable is considered as coding style is used, and resource costs, performance as well, which promises a stable, smart and low cost MAC address switch module.Finally, a test platform was build, the design was verified and validated. After placement, routing and optimized using QuartusⅡ,the design is expected to run at a frequency of 200MHZ.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ethernet, MAC Address Searching, MAC Address Learning, MAC Address Aging
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