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The Improve Of Collision Detection Algorithm Based On OBB Bounding Box

Posted on:2012-09-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178330335956058Subject:Computer software and theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowdays,3D Games have developed into the mainstream sectors in the computer games and have been widely used in the area of virtual reality and interaction simulation,etc.Undoubtedly,as these applications are becoming more and more complicated, the data structures and algorithm related to the collision detection are increasingly become more intricate correspondingly when dealing with such kind of larger data.Collision detection has always been the core technique in the program development no matter in the games or some other applications of simulation.In my paper,I would talk about the OBB,which is a method widely used in the collision detection, other methods such as AABB and K-Dopas and so on are inferior to OBB when talked about its detection performance.Based on the research and analysis of the inherent characteristics of OBB,the further research and building of OBB, the overlap test among the bounding volumes as well as the triangles. I found that OBB has high test complexity, so I would prefer to put forward the methods of improving the construction of OBB by taking advantage of the simplicity of the Sphere test.The idea of dividing the algorithms into two levels of collision detection:For the first level, we choose the Sphere OBB as the top layer of the hierarchical bounding tree. Through the fast test of Sphere, we would screen the overlapped objects and then deliver it to the upper layer for test. During the process, we would use the double linked lists to manage the Sphere OBB in every updated link list.OBB, the lower bounding box, used to provide the exact collision test. The virtual experiment would give the report of the collision based on the result of the procedure and would record the crashed objects in every frame.As the data drawn from the experiment, the improved OBB collision test algorithms can reduce the waste of time spent in the useless test in the upper screening, which increased the overall efficiency compared with the pure OBB test. Consequently, the achievements in my paper offered some experimental basis for the optimization of collision test algorithms.
Keywords/Search Tags:OBB, Collision Detect, Separation Axis, Hierarchy Bounding Box
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