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E-Passport And Building Online Passport Service System

Posted on:2012-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Mohamed Lemine Ould Nomane N MFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178330335952136Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Biometrics has become a "hot" search area. Governments are funding research programs focused on biometrics. Conferences in the area readily attract attendees from government and industry. Research advances find their way into commercial products quite quickly. Search area of biometrics and RFID seems especially interesting and exciting, because it is in some sense at the frontier of biometrics, and presents complex design problems.This thesis which includes two parts analyzes the arguments for electronic passport to citizens that contains a biometric identifier and an RFID chip, and the design and implementation of Online Passport Service using UML and DOTNET. The First part follows through a basic and comprehensible approach to biometric identifiers and radio frequency identification technologies so that even individuals who have not been exposed to these terms can grasp a better understanding of what they are and how they are utilized in everyday applications. The second part shows how to develop an application like Online Passport Service with C#, and UML. Focuses on the craft of creating quality.Net software, and demonstrates how to use this standard object-oriented notation to build more robust.Net applications that fulfill user requirements and withstand the test of time.
Keywords/Search Tags:E-Passport, Biometrics, RFID, Online Passport Service System
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