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Embedded Control Platform For Six-Legged Bionic Robot

Posted on:2012-02-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178330332483297Subject:Communication and Information System
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Compared to wheel type and crawling type mobile robot, multi-legged bionic robot has a better ability to adapt to the environment, especially in the unstructured environment. If a bionic robot need to get a good performance, its system control platform plays a significant role. The platform is responsible for controlling the movement of the robot joints, and and help to correspond with movement of joints to control of the robot's movement. This paper uses bionic robot as the object, and focouses on the design of bionic robot's embedded platform, which is related to the overall design and control systems. The work is as follows:By studying reserch home and foreign on multi-legged robot and their experience, this paper develop a bionic robot control system scheme, giving its hardware and software solutions. Base on study of the characteristics of the robot, using the robot modules, the robot is assembled. The robot consists of steering gears, sensor modules and the embedded platform, which is connected to the modules by the serial bus and communicates the modules via the serial bus. The system adopts modular design, which means as the degree of intelligence reduceing, the accuracy of the system improves.The robot embedded platform consists of hardware and software. The hardware includes the minimum systems of ARM7, wireless modules module, serial communication circuit and so on. The platform is connected to the steering gear and other modules via the serial interface, in half-duplex communication mode. In the hardware of the platform, the flash memory on the chip is used to store the data of the robot.As the the requirements of overall performance, we use a three-level software architecture, which includes the application level, custom level, hardware dependent level. The overall system control module provides a good support, also enhances the portability of the system. In this paper, our task is mainly to design the custom level, including the serial bus communication module, PC communication module, the internal storage modules, wireless modules and so on. Besides, the serial bus communication module is use to configure and coordinate the various robot joints based on communication protocol.After completing the work, we do some tests to verifie the effectiveness of controls embedded platform, including a single joint communication data and coordination of multi-joints. In addition, we also test and verification the pace of the bionic robot.
Keywords/Search Tags:bionic robot, serial communication, minimum system, joint control
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