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A Study Of Deng Xiaoping 's Thought Of Legal System Construction And Its Contemporary Value

Posted on:2015-03-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D J ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2176330467951032Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Deng Xiaoping Thought is the crystallization of the legal system of the ChineseCommunists relentless pursuit of democracy and legal system, the legal system is theoutcome of contemporary scientific theory building in China, the basic principles ofMarxism with Chinese law realities in China ’s ideological and theoreticalachievements. Comrade Deng Xiaoping to the development of democracy, improvethe legal system, and many other aspects of building a state of law and others haveimportant exposition guiding China’s socialist democracy and legal system constantlygo deeper, to mature, the " rule of law " proposed strategy has laid a solid theoreticalfoundation. Learn, Study Deng Xiaoping thought the legal system is conducive to thefull implementation of the " rule of law" basic strategy; conducive to the fulldevelopment of the rule of law to promote the socialist countries; conducive topromoting the building of a harmonious socialist society. Socialist legal constructionprocess theoretical and practical value is self-evident in our country.In this paper, a total of four chapters: The first chapter is an introduction toanalyze the writing background of Deng Xiaoping Thought legal construction,current research and research methods, such as the need to use paper. The secondchapter explores the formation of Deng Xiaoping’s thinking on the building of thelegal system, the formation of ideological and theoretical sources, as well as theinitial development stage of the formation of the definition of related concepts and soon. The third chapter of the main ideas of Deng Xiaoping made a review of the legalsystem, fully illustrated aspects under the leadership of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, thelegislative aspects of China’s socialist legal system, the law, the legal education,legal supervision and legal construction of basic questions made an importantcontribution to a profound impact on all aspects of contemporary Chinese legalsystem. Chapter IV of the value of Deng Xiaoping Thought legal construction incontemporary legal system in China were summarized and refined.Deng Nemocracy rich content, deep theory, Marxism in China is a majortheoretical results, the basic principles of Marxism law take root in China,germination, maturity and evolving ideas crystallize. Comrade Deng Xiaoping’svision for China’s socialist legal system in depth theoretical considerations, combinedwith the historical background and their practical importance and necessity of thelegal system, the legal situation of social stability and promote economic and socialdevelopment and protect the livelihood have unique insights, through constant practice and the formation of China’s socialist legal system guiding a series ofimportant ideas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Deng Xiaoping, legal system construction, Contemporary Value
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