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A Study On The Acceptance Of Marxist Theory

Posted on:2014-12-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2176330452454270Subject:The basic original of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The party’s eighteen big clearly pointed out, we must unswervingly adhere tothe development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, advancing with the times,constantly enrich the Chinese characteristic socialism practice characteristics,theoretical characteristics, national characteristics, characteristics of the times. In thepresent stage, significant change concept and value pursuit of the broad masses ofthe people, Marx’s theory of the receiving and transmission change significantly,according to these characteristics, starting from the academic circles to accept thebottleneck problem of Marx theory, through various new media to change rapidly,continuous innovation, diversity of various cultural, accept the channel selectivityand a series of new audience characteristics, grasp the true understanding of Marxtheory, acceptable and effective method for Marx theory, has profound practical andtheoretical significance to realize Marx’s popularization.This paper is divided into introduction and first, second, third chapters:The introduction, mainly elaborated this topic research origin, research status,including: Research in foreign countries, the domestic research, research significance,research difficulties.The first chapter summarizes and studies, Marx’s theory accepted significanceproblem such as the first of Marx theory problem; secondly to Marx’s theoryaccepted methods of acceptance process, Marx’s theory in the practice of the results,Marx theory in the practice of accepting role combs in China; finally summarizes thecharacteristics, take Marx theory of Marx’s theory of acceptance of the basicexperience, the paper built on solid theory.The second chapter mainly from Marx’s theory accepted method principle,concrete forms and acceptance of Marx’s theory of involved factors analysis. Marx’stheory accepted method according to the needs of development of Marx’s theory ofthe objective, which varies according to the specific form of change acceptancemethod. At the same time, accept, accept method involved factors generated in theprocess of psychological problems on the study of innovation of Marx’s theory of acceptance method has important meaning.The third chapter is the study of innovative research methods that accept Marx’stheory, Marx’s theory of finding an effective means of implementation for the broadmasses of the people to accept the. Mainly includes: the guidance method, thesocialist cultural construction of Marx’s theory of accept security conditions ofconstruction, Marx theory effectThe evaluation system of. The main objective of this study is that the same willaccept and adapt to modern means of communication, to improve the acceptanceprocess throughout the system to accept Marx theory, Marx realizes thepopularization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx theory, the masses, accept, method
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