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A Study On The Legal Problems Of Foreign Private Equity Funds

Posted on:2014-08-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J KeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to current situation of the foreign private equity funds in our country, the author tries to discussing the legal issues of the foreign private equity investment fund.First, the author indicated the significance of this study in the preamble and reviewed the current research in domestic. Then at the beginning of this article the author analyzes the concept and characteristics of the foreign private equity funds. Focus on the distinction between the concept of foreign private equity funds and securities investment fund. The author clarifies the definition of foreign private equity funds. Subsequently, the author studies the existing classification in the academic research on foreign private equity investment fund and puts forward a classification standard about foreign private equity investment fund. In accordance with this standard the foreign private equity funds are divided into the foreign dollar funds and foreign RMB funds, the latter of which can be further divided into limited partnership funds, the joint venture fund or wholly foreign-owned funds, as well as CJV. In addition, Sino-foreign cooperative parallel funds and foreign investment company are another two types of foreign private equity funds.In the third chapter, the author discusses the approval system for foreign private equity funds. At the same time, the author discusses foreign exchange management and investment approval in Investment links. The author believes that foreign dollar fund is facing increasingly stringent foreign exchange controls, but foreign RMB funds is under a more relaxed supervision situation. Different funds in different amount of investment and direction are facing different approval authorities.At the last of this paper the author discusses several exit pathways about foreign private equity funds. The author thinks that we should broaden the exit channels for foreign private equity funds, so that it more conducive to the healthy development of foreign private equity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Foreign Private Equity Funds, Foreign Investment, Legal Matters
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