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A Study On The Relationship Between Town And Village In Southern

Posted on:2013-08-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2176330434970742Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In80s of last century, township enterprises in Southern Jiangsu emerged as a new force and because of which, Southern Jiangsu Development Mode formed. From then on, Southern Jiangsu plays the leading role in social and economic development of the whole country. According to the facts the Southern Jiangsu’s development and the key points of the central government paid attention to, this thesis describes the transition process of township-village relationship, analyzes three channels that township affects village including power of appointment and removal, economic control policies and Transaction control,and then gives a comparative analysis of four different relationship modes, say, strong township and strong village, strong township and weak village, weak township and strong village, weak township and weak village. The author’s idea is that,"the economic base determines the superstructure", the economic environmental differences between township and village directly determinates the performance of township-village relationship. Furthermore, the interaction between village cadres and township cadres also play an important role in the performance.Not only so, this thesis also considers the common problems derived from current township-village relationship, especially focus on the specific problem and its causes. As far as the author concerned, the reason lies not only in the fiscal system but also in laws and regulations, not only in the construction of village cadres but also in the enhancement of villagers’ democracy and legal consciousness. Based on the above analysis,the thesis finally provides some countermeasures and suggestions on how to construct benign township-village relationship.Currently, to develop villagers’ autonomy and to achieve the goal of management democracy, it is important to take the township-village relationship seriously to make it developed well and quickly though accelerating the process of government function transition, establishing and improving laws and regulations together with fiscal system reform, enhancing the connotation of villages’ economic growth, improving the political performance evaluation. Reforming current villages’ systems and mechanisms, improving governmental autonomy and administrative efficiency, coordinating the township-village relationship and finally maintaining villages’ legal rights all have both realistic significance and social significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Southern Jiangsu Province, township-village relationship, Wuxicity
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