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Research On Social Management Innovation Of Public Security Organs In Shanghai

Posted on:2013-12-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L WangFull Text:PDF
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At present, China is in a period of strategic opportunity, the golden period of development, the strength of the rising period, while social conflicts into a prominent, high incidence of criminal cases, time complex struggle against the enemy. Speed of globalization, large-scale movements of human, financial, Internet, large-scale development, social structure, economic structure, urban-rural structure has undergone significant and profound changes, new economic organizations, social organizations, emerging, rapid transformation of social patterns, the industrialized, urbanized society. Market-oriented society, information society, civil society and other new social forms have come, or exposed lead to social conflicts and problems they often embodied or reflected in the field of social stability and social order Public security organs of social management innovation challenges.Since reform and opening, China’s police reform in terms of ideology has gone from "taking class struggle" to defend the socialist modernization drive and services to the establishment of the socialist market economy of the working mechanism for public security, fleet management system and police protection mechanism; later, the Congress party made building a moderately prosperous society, a major strategic decision-making, public security organs to carry out large-scale discussion and further defined the new century, responsible for the consolidation of the Communist Party’s ruling position, maintaining stability of the state safeguard its people’s major political and social responsibility; theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, formation, public security organs in accordance with the scientific concept of development, building a socialist harmonious society, in close connection with law enforcement practice, carried out the socialist rule of law the concept of education, a strong impetus to the new era of public security work and the development and progress of the police contingent. However, faced with a complex situation, there are also public security organs incompatible with the concept of social innovation and idea management, operation mechanism, means measures and other issues in urban management and emergency response work, there is population management, holding stability and social security administration, etc. there are still some bottlenecks and difficulties.In this article, the author with the needs of public security management theory, risk society theory, crime control theory, multi-center theory of governance, management, coordination theory and other theories of knowledge, drawing on the experience of Western enlightenment the government’s social management, management system, management mechanism and management tools is to innovate, Proposed innovative public security organs of social management must adhere to the concept of sustainable development, people-oriented concept, the concept of scientific decision-making, process and results of both the concept of cost-effective ideas, adhere to the construction and application of information technology, adhere to their resources effectively integration and application and adherence to strengthen the service function and use, To achieve public security organs in the social management of breakthrough innovation.
Keywords/Search Tags:social management, public security organs, innovative ideas
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