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Research On Legal Mechanism Of Energy Security In China

Posted on:2015-04-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2176330431476790Subject:Environment and Resources Protection Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Energy is the important material to protect a country’s economic development and social progress,energy security issue is not only related to a country’s economic security,political security,military security,but also an important part of a country’s national security system.For now,the status quo of China’s energy security is not optimistic.In terms of security of energy supply,Energy supply can not meet the needs for energy consumption,External energy supply is growing quickly,and the low levels of energy technologies is restricts to improve the ability of energy supply.There are various means to safeguard energy security,legal means to ensure energy security is the most effective,in particular,energy security is to improve the legal status of China’s energy security,also it is the demand of sustainable development,Compared with other means of energy security,the law has its unique advantages,the law can resize the object as energy security,and by promoting energy efficiency,order, justice,law can ensure energy security by promoting energy efficiency,order,justice,to protect energy security,and the international practice has proved that through legislation to protect energy security is effective and feasible.China has made significant progress in protecting energy security by Legal means,However,there is still insufficient,such as the legal protection of China’s energy security system is imperfect,the legislative intent is not clear,some of the law’s operability is not strong,In many respects,as energy conservation,renewable energy,in terms of legal system of International cooperation,the imperfect is also exist.Therefore,to improve the legal protection system of China’s energy security,not only the needs of energy security,but also the needs of rule of China’s energy law.I believe that the energy security of legal protection can be improved from the following aspects:The purpose of the legislative of our country’s energy law should be put right,the legal protection system of China’s energy security needs to be made better,In particular,the Basic Law of China’s energy should be promulgated as soon as quickly,In some important energy sector,the legislative building also needs to be strengthened,In terms of specific system,the legal system of Energy reserves should be established,The legal system to save energy and legal system of renewable energy should be improved,and the legal regime of international cooperation for Energy security should be improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:energy security, necessity, legal protection, suggestions
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