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A Study On The Issue Of Duty Crime In Colleges And Universities

Posted on:2015-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ShiFull Text:PDF
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In recent years, the university gradually increased incidence of job-related crimes,the amount of incidence increased year by year, for the reputation of China’s educationand universities caused significant damage. Universities crimes issues, has become asignificant social influence hot issue. For the phenomenon of college crimes preventionand containment has become an urgent research problem. We should actively explorethe establishment and improvement of Independent Colleges and Universities system,strengthen the prevention of crimes college, university eradicate corruption occurringsoil for the college and the vigorous development of China’s education escort.Leading universities factors crimes occurred from multiple aspects. The objectiveexistence of social consciousness of civil rights, social values, alienation, universityadministrative system defects, power supervision failed to effectively implement otherfactors. Subjectively, some colleges and universities management that "official position" privilege ideology, legal awareness and the worship of money, luck, comparisons andpsychological impact of a variety of criminal motives, resulting in some of the dutiesand positions prone to corruption.In order to fundamentally prevent and curb the development of the phenomenon ofcollege crimes, crimes paper in case of university summary analysis, based on thetheory as a guide to integrity, combined with university management system andcultural development, we proposed reconstruction Independent Colleges andUniversities institutional proposals and implementation plans. Including theestablishment and strengthening of mechanisms for anti-corruption education college,university honest self-regulatory mechanism, monitoring mechanism and the creationof Independent Colleges and Universities college Against strong culture aspects.Through this research, hoping to theory and practice in order to further improve thesystem of colleges and universities Against basis and made available for referenceimplementation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Collegesanduniversities, Dutycrime, Preventionmechanism
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