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On The History Of Khitan Car

Posted on:2017-05-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330488466832Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper, focusing on "Liao history" and so on history, reference xixia, song, jin and yuan dynasty historical data, such as combination of cultural relics and archaeological discoveries, the history of qitan’s gharry and ritual of the comb. Main span is about the khitans elementary emperor period on the eve of the founding of the day. In the nomadic life, gharry is extremely important, indispensable life production tools, but due to the corresponding text material is less, the content of some characteristics of fragmentation. Qitan as a localized northeast of nomadic people, gharry in life and play an important role in the war. Qitan nationality after the founding, get the gharry from rising and are seen as the "tang chariot chariot" heritage, one of the gharry and the grassland culture and farming culture is opposite to each other and in combination with each other. The double-track system of gharry and reflected the qitan culture mode, political system and normalize the double in minority establish dynasty, the Liao dynasty mode is very characteristic. Due to the relatively few Liao dynasty literature, less about life in the society, so this article most to have official history of the royal gharry and give priority to, and chapters for a certain gharry and tang, song, Liao dynasty details changes before and after comparison, due to the limitation of space, more is given priority to with specific things.Before the time of the first chapter deals with qitan’s founding, from the qitan before war, social life and nomadic ethnic relations point of view, to explore the gharry of qitan and roots. The second chapter, the third chapter in the history of Liao, instrument WeiZhi, and service "as the main materials, with reference to tang, song, historical data of Liao dynasty" and ", "han yu" situation. "The chariot" part of a few, "han yu" some relatively rich, but compared to before and after the Liao dynasty period, and take part in general, is too brief and vague. The fourth chapter tries to from the perspective of high class, in the search for a gharry and managers. Gharry and is not only a kind of traffic tools, also reflected the multicultural mix and intersection; From the gharry and on eyes, can see liao dynasty political life, social life, one of the two.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qitan, Gharry, Lubu, Culture
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