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Research On Raul Sivas' Animation

Posted on:2017-01-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M SunFull Text:PDF
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Raoul Servais, the famous international animation master of Belgian. He is not only the pioneer of the Belgian cartoon education, but also the animation master who bring Belgian super realism art into the animation creation. Raoul Servais’s animation works is not many, but the style is changeable, and the theme of the work involves various fields. As a famous anmation master and artist, the great inspiration which Raoul Servais give us is how to make animation to visual style and film language forging into refining the narrative, make different visual style and techniques to serve the theme of the story.Throughout more than 40 years in animation production of Raoul Servais, the number of his works is not much, but every one can be called a classic. Under the changeable animation style appearance, Raoul Servais injected strong sense of historical responsibility, political nature and strong personal feelings into his animation works. His works touch from totalitarian politics of the absurd and the fear of nuclear war and the cold war, to the late borrow by ultra realism to deal with the predicament of communication between subject and the invention of new techniques. From this point, Raoul Servais is not only the animation master, educator, but also a technology pioneer and humanists.This paper will takes Raoul Servais’s animation works as the research object, through the understanding of the author’s background and life experience, fdepth analysis and study Raoul Servais’s animation works. Summarizes the significance and influence of Raoul Servais’s animation works in animation history, to enrich and improve the history of Belgium and even European Animation.First of all, on the basis of investigating the present situation of domestic and foreign research, this paper establishes the basic point. Thought elaborat the important status in animation history of Raoul Servais, established the contribution and value of the research on Raoul Servais’s animation works by this paper. Through the analysis of the development status of the Belgian national culture, to understand the basic situation of Raoul Servais’s childhood period, the background of the age and later in the animation to explore creative experience.Secondly, from the "UPA trilogy", "the changing animation style" and "surrealism" and other aspects to explore the visual style of Raoul Servais’s animation works. In addition, through the understanding of Raoul Servais’s animation works in the background and creation reasons, in-depth study of the theme and content of his animation works.Finally, through the analysis and study of Raoul Servais’s animation works summed up the unique art style of animation, spirit of animation and the animation inspiration to today’s anmation development of Raoul Servais.
Keywords/Search Tags:Raoul Servais, Belgian Animation, Animation Master, Servaisgraphy Superrealism
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