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The Classicization Of Cao Wei 's Four - Character Poems

Posted on:2016-09-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330473460654Subject:Style and Literary Education Research
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The absolute political status and outstanding literary talent entitled Cao family--the emperors of Wei Dynasty-- to recruit a number of literary scholars who formed a large group of writers leaded by "Three-Cao’s, Seven-Sages and Bamboo-Mister" to advocate literature innovation in Wei Dynasty. Four-character poem, as the most ancient Chinese verse, experienced a prosperous era by the influence of the Book of Songs and was back into a silence period after that. With the literary consciousness in Wei Dynasty, four-character poem regained the splendor and created a new era.The article not only tries four-character poem in Wei Dynasty with ancient texts, but also interprets the process of its canonization to demonstrate the status of four-character poem in the history of ancient Chinese poetry. Firstly, by reading the existing four-character poems in Wei Dynasty and related articles about them, the author illustrates the literature value, uniqueness and inheritance of the four-character poems in Wei Dynasty and their poets, such as Cao Cao, Cao Zhi, Wang Can, Ji Kang. Secondly, based on systematic collation of ancient texts and literary classics construct theory, the author explains the specific process about how four-character poem in Wei Dynasty was widely disseminated, accepted and became a literary classic from three angles:literary critics’selection, reviews, culture exchanges. Finally, even though four-character poem gradually demised after Jin Dynasty because of the limitations of its exhibit and the sudden emergence of five-character poem and seven-character poem, the literary value, aesthetic value and historical value of four-character poem in Wei Dynasty are worthy of attention. In conclusion, this article based on the meaning of ancient Chinese literature, focusing on the history, literature, ideological aspects to comprehensive the classic status of four-character poem in Wei Dynasty in the history of ancient Chinese poetry.This paper reading text-based, based on literature data, combined with knowledge of stylistics, classic Wei four-character poem process conducted in-depth research, trying to fully demonstrate the value of a classic four-character poem of Wei.
Keywords/Search Tags:four-character poem, Wei dynasty, canonizing, reception
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