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On The Transformation From Photography To Lacquer Painting

Posted on:2016-09-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Lacquer has paintings and crafts, and is the traditional Chinese lacquer cultural heritage. Painting with its traditional craft techniques and modern ideas combine to create a unique artistic style and charm, with its material texture, hazy hue,elegant luster, coupled with the integration of emotional painter, techniques and process performance, so which produces the artistic beauty of the appeal.In this paper, photographic images for the creation of a prototype, by painting landscapes make for realistic reproduction of the objective in the creative process and reconstruction of objects to choose the combination became not "real real meaning" of the landscape plan.The photographs into a painting art, this paper mainly studied from three perspectives, namely, composition, color and artistic language.The first chapter is mainly from the perspective of the composition of the painting’s creation, combined with the creation of their graduation from the composition, choice, movement and stillness, the rhythm of these four areas to study painting, Chen cloth by setting potential, will have express thoughts and feelings complete enlightenment to the audience.The second chapter from "Snow mountain" color performance to analyze the use of color in painting, to study painting color from the color conversion and integration of the two aspects, through the exploration of painting colors, deeply appreciate the color painting importance.The third chapter from "Snow mountain" artistic language to analyze the painting is different from other kinds of painting of particularity, from painting and decorative painting of two aspects of the art of painting to explore language, painting its rich texture, unique artistic effect screen pass to feel poetic people, highlighting the beauty of the painting’s charm temperament.For photographs into a study of painting through the analysis discussed above, painting not only to carefully study the creation of creative techniques and materials used in the selection,but also the integration of the artist’s sincere emotion, so pure and unique artistic painting.
Keywords/Search Tags:Photography, Conversion, Lacquer painting
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