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The Human Nature Of The "fault"

Posted on:2016-12-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H F LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330470950107Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this era which is blundering and full of temptation, Liu Qingbang always walks quietlyon the literature road with the attitude of humility, he insists on his own personality. LiuQingbang who comes from countryside and had been a miner gives his insights to thecountryside and the coal mine, he pays more attention to the farmer, the miner, the city workerwho live in the bottom of the society with the conscience and the responsibility of theintellectuals. He mainly concerns their living environment and spiritual world.His novels hasobvious distinction between good and evil because of his humanistic care ideology and hisfeelings about taking pity on somebody in his deep heart, on the one hand is to praise and callfor the kind humanity,on the other hand is to criticize and deny the cruel humanity. Writing andthinking humanity is the very important part of the plot and narration in Liu Qingbang’s novels,it is also the main way that Liu Qingbang expresses his thinking for the past history, the socialreality and the personal life. Therefore, the interpretation and analysis of the humanity on LiuQingbang’s novels has became a key way to understand Liu Qingbang and his novels.This article is made up of introduction, major structure, and epilogue.The introduction part mainly introduces the life experience of Liu Qingbang, the creationcondition, the writing material, the studying situation about Liu Qingbang’s writing and thesignificance about the theme of humanity in Liu Qingbang’s novels, then point out the researchthought, the research contents, the research findings, and the research significance in thisarticle, then defining the key word “cruel”.The major structure divides into four chapters: the first chapter mainly introduces regionsurvival culture, the childhood experience in writers’ life, and the life experience, thendiscussing how these factors influences Liu Qjingbang and his writing.The second chapter defines the word “fault” at first, pointing out that the “fault” mainlymeans three kinds of meanings: from the field to the coal mine, the fault of labor space,fromthe countryside to the city, the fault of social identity, from the tradition to the modernization,the fault of ideology,then summarizes and analyses the cruel humanity in Liu Qingbang’s novelswhich describe the coal mine, the countryside, and the city. The third chapter mainly discusses Liu Qingbang’s thoughts by analysing the cruelhumanity from different aspects: the hunger, the material, the authority, the feeling lead to thedissimilarity of humanity; the recalling and thinking about the history; the critical thinking forthe social reality in the contemporary cultural situation; the thinking on the life, pointing outthat Liu Qingbang wants to prevent the evil of humanity through his novels.The fourth chapter mainly analyses the narration of Liu Qingbang’s novels from threeaspects: the third person restrictive narrative perspective; the narrative strategy of extreme; thenarrative features of cruel language.The epilogue part mainly summarize the significance of humanity writing, the drawbackand the prospect on Liu Qingbang’s writing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liu Qingbang, fault, cruel, humanity
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