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The Economic History Of The Western Han Dynasty To The Tang Dynasty

Posted on:2016-06-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y M G L T X MaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330470462839Subject:Chinese Minority economy
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Uyghurs are one of our long historical ethnic minorities in China.In the history of the formation of Gaoche tribal alliance, Yuanhe Uyghur tribes, Uyghur tribal alliance, Ancient Uyghur family, and eventually merge into Uyghur nation in the modern sense. From the production point of view, Uyghurs has experienced hunting, gathering, nomadic, livestock, handicrafts, agriculture, orchard industry, and ultimately combined production methods which are the formation of agriculture, animal husbandry and handicraft. In the history of the evolution of the economy, the ancestors of Uyghur had experienced two major fusions. The first one was completed in the around from tenth century BC to ninth century. Dingling roved about as a nomad in the Altai Mountains, Baikal Lake in Siberia today, Mobei Mongolian steppe, between the Irtysh River and Balkhash Lake during the period of the third century BC to the third century. Dinglings who Migrated to Mobei Mongolian steppe in fourth century, by its unique production and living tool "high wheeler" known and referred to as Gaoche. Gaoche in the Mongolian steppe give priority to nomadic, livestock to horses, cattle, sheep in north of the Tianshan, Baikal Lake,Basin of Orkhon Riverln addition, Gaoche people supplemented to hunting and gathering production, used high wheeler as the high hurdles during the hunting YuanHe which was one of the tribe of Gaoche (Academics agreed that "Yuan He" is the first nomination of uyghur’s) people lived in the Tula River and upstream of the Orkhon River, at the same period of time, there is also a part of the people give priority to nomadic production in the Selenga area which was located middle of Mongolian steppe, Yuan He tribe, the name appears as "Uyghur" name in seventh, eighth century in the history books. The middle of the sixth century AD, Uyghur become not only one of the main tribe in livestock, hunting, and reparateur such production and military activities, but also suffered from the rulers’economic deprivation and political oppression during the reign of Turkic. With the caste differentiation and intensification of class contradictions on Tujue’s society, more Tiele (Gaoche) tribes merged with Uyghur (Toquz Uyghur), Tardush like tribes. Headed by Yaghlaqar tribes such as, yaghlaqar, oturqar, torlemur, buqasir, awuchang, qarsar, qughuzsu, yabuqtar, ayawuz consisting of nine tribes, so that is called " ichki toqquz qebile"). Headed by Uyghur tribes such as, Uyghur, barghut, ghun, Bayirqu, tungra, Izgil, qipchaq, Basmil, qarluq nine Tiele tribes (also known as the outer nine or Toquz Tiele, Toquz Oghuz) consisting of Uyghur Khanate.The economic system of Uyghur Khanate did not go through slavery, but will direct transition to the economy of feudal system, mode of production give the priority to with produce mainly nomadic. Hearty plants provides a superior natural conditions to Uyghur’s livestock production in Orkhon, Selenga and the basin of Tura River. Uyghur not only engaged in livestock productions, such as rising horses, camels, cattle, sheep, but also engaged in like millet, wheat planting agricultural productions and pottery, Iron smelting, manufacture cars like handicraft productions, economy of Uyghur further active, especially horse trade.In the actual economic exchanges, experience is the process of "you have me, I have you" fusion that slowly emerged Uyghur nation with a strong military and economic characteristics of the nomadic feudal. Late ethnic Uyghur Khanate lifestyle gradually began to settle down, built the city, and began to focus on the development of agriculture. This is the first time of the formation of the Uyghur ethnic integration 。The second integration was in the half of the 9th century AD till the 13th century. In the 9th century, drought comes year after year in Mobei regional, from the resulting famine and infectious diseases, making the labor and production data, such as the cattle, sheep, horse fell sharpry, cause the khanate’s recession. In the last years of Khanate Dynasty, contradictions and conflicts between the feudal lords and affiliated tribes intensified, and combined with Kirghiz’s attack caused totally collapsing the feudal economy of Uyghur Khanate and was forced the ethnic Uyghur to migrate. During the westward migration, the Uyghur ethnic divided into three branches. The first branch move to Turpan, Tianshan Mountains area where they founded the Gaochang Uyghur Kingdom, and under the new environment of Uyghur ethnic, the way of their life and production have tremendous changes: Converted to settlements by nomadic lifestyle, livestock production from a single economic development to agricultural production coexistence of multiple economic status, Inherited and developed the vineyard economic and Kariz irrigation facilities, and also increased the production of varieties. Another branch of Uyghur people then migrate to the Hexi Corridor region, and established Ganzhou Uyghur Khanate which the way of production of Ganzhou Uyghurs shift from nomadism to the combination of farming and animal husbandry, mainly wheat and potatoes production of agriculture, and sheep, horses, cattle, yak of livestock.The third branch Uyghurs moved to Tarm Basin, western side of Pamir mountain region, to conquer or joint with the local qarloq and Yagma Turkic Tribes Luo people, Sogdians, and then ultimately establish the Karahan Uyghur dynasty. Karahan Uyghurs adapted to the environment and under the natural conditions develop the oasis agriculture, the main crops are millet, wheat, barley, sesame, millet, rice, safflower, etc. Orchard industry has peaches, apricots, grapes, plums, pears, apples, dates, melons, etc.Livestock cattle, horses, sheep, goats, chickens etc. Handicraft industry and commerce also have certain development. In conclusion, By the 9th century to the period of the thirteenth century, north of the Tianshan Mountains, Mongolian steppe and Orkhon river, Uyghurs who lived in Selenga Basin, Qarloq and Yaghlaqar, toxri residents who located south of the Tianshan and Oasis Tarim Basin, sak and Transoxiana’s Sogdians integration, formed to give priority to with agricultural production, farming, animal husbandry, handicrafts, commerce combination of feudal economy of a modern Uyghur prototype,,Uyghur early in the formation process, the mode of production and economic system has its distinctive features. In the period of Uyghur Khanate, there is no experience of slavery, but directly transit of feudalism and began to implement theocracy. Reach to Karahan Uyghur dynasty, Islam prevailed, Karahan Uyghur dynasty continued the previous management style theocracy, accordingly, Ikta farmland use system carry out in farming areas. Uyghurs in the process of formation and economic exchanges, both acceptance, integration of our other nationalities, also involved in the formation process of other ethnic groups. Thereby, they have an open, inclusive, creative, adaptable and other distinctive national character. Part of the migration Ganzhou Uyghurs were integrated into the local tribes, to participate in Yughur, Dongxiang ethnic formation。...
Keywords/Search Tags:Huihe, Huihu, Economic History
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