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On The Relationship Between Facts And Facts In Dance Narration

Posted on:2015-07-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ChengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Dance narration alternate virtuality with reality in itself. There aretwo forms of relations between virtuality and reality. One form is thatvirtuality is performed through reality, the other form is that reality isdisplayed through virtual ways. There are three patterns in danceswhichexpress relations between virtuality and reality.1.Behaviors.Actualbehavior(reality) and mental behavior(virtuality).2.Space. Actualspace(reality)and mental space(virtuality).3. Focus.Infocus(reality) and out of focus(virtuality). The relation betweenvirtuality and reality in dance art is actually a contrasting relationship,a subject-object relationship. The beauty of Chinese dance art lies in therelation between virtuality and reality. By skillfully handling therelation between virtuality and reality, stories could be developed well,character images could be built better, expressions of emotions and feelingscould be realized adequately, then the conveying of the meaning andconnotation of dances could be realized.
Keywords/Search Tags:dance narration, relation betweenvirtuality and reality, behavio, r space, focus
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