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A Study On The Value Realization Of Morality In The Construction Of Rule By Law

Posted on:2016-11-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M TangFull Text:PDF
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The social construction of the rule of law is underway to explore the moral value of an overall dynamic of the background currently, the social construction of the rule of law will allow us to directly face the core issues facing society itself needed. It means we have to explain the relationship between morality and the law society firstly, because the moral and legal origin as a familiar problem has been, and as a timeless topic, the relationship between morality and law in each period of the study are have focused on their own innovation.Especially in the current period of great change in the rule of law, the whole process runs are inseparable from the moral law scrutiny. Therefore, this research from the first chapter of moral ambiguity to do together as a society begin demonstration law, try to clarify what is moral ambiguity argument for co-construction of the rule of law? Ambiguous moral argument can be made fit for the rule of law? And how to make an effective argument to make the rich theoretical depth research and exploratory;From the beginning of the second chapter in the moral values of the entire dynamic process of law began to research,mainly on the moral value of the law leads to answer two basic questions:First, why the need for the construction of the rule of law and moral leader? Second, how to lead the construction of moral value system of the rule of law? This reveals the social rule of law needs to provide moral necessity from the source to ensure the creation of law; The third chapter of the research to operational law a key part:Law. This part is to convert the law "Ought" in the sense of law "Reality" in the sense of the process, it will determine the size of the practice of law has a value directly. This chapter will judge human perspective generally regarded as the first person, with all the basic properties of ordinary people have, because it makes it all the basic properties of the applicable law in the process will inevitably subjective or irrational factors due to the presence of lead law the applicable part of the wayward usage. So we need to process their application ethics, specific measures to make the concept of justice in the field of justice, improve the judicial system of the building, and to enhance the professional ethics of judges; The fourth chapter focus falls on the last link in law runs:law compliance. This is the ultimate end and the end point which is the whole law is running, it is the foundation of the legal movement, so to comply with law directly determines the final value of the method to achieve. This chapter strive to start with the necessity to provide protection from the moral virtue of the rule of law,three-dimensional construction of moral values in society in the implementation process of the rule of law highly theoretical analysis.Eventually, formed the government level to actively lead law-abiding and law-abiding citizen level initiative to explore the transfer of legal rationalization path to become a faith. It can be said that this is a profound and highly theoretical and practical significance of exploratory research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Moral, Rule of Law, Proposed the Law, Applying the Law, Observe the Law
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