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A Study On The Divination Law Of Qinghua

Posted on:2016-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330464954011Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Recently unearthed Tsinghua Jane "Shifa" Star concept and Jane, Jane Ling Ge and all belong to the same bun Jane Jane Chu, which documented 114 cases Gua divination, not only for Qigua way to do a brief description, but also on the images and Yaoxiang been described in detail, which we study the pre-Qin Yi provides a great help.Tsinghua Jane and unearthed "return to Tibet," a close relationship with their divination and accounting law should be unearthed Wang Qin Jian "return possession", as with yarrow for divination with complex accounting method. "Divination by straw accounting" of the law, "Shifa" is written, and Tongxing Ben "copulative" "Premium Shifa," the law is not the same sort out divining stalks Divination. Fifty-six or fifty-seven use or fifty-eight yarrow, in accordance with "the copulative" Dayan Shifa steps, you can calculate the number six divination "Shifa" appears in the "nine, six, seven, eight, four, five, " thus indicating that the Qigua may not be a single way. "Shifa" The Qigua way reflects the "probable determinism" and "Heaven and Man" in philosophy.Tsinghua Jane newly discovered "Shifa" is a popular number in the Warring States period, Divination, its gossip system with three relatively easy to close, and the life of the solution Gua divination using the "four gossip analysis, analysis of good and bad seasons, attribution analysis and images of Yaoxiang analysis ", formed its own unique system. In addition, summed up the general steps "Shifa" solution hexagram, the first thing to ask accounting classification, and then look at specific images of the final four were analyzed.Digital Gua long-standing problem, we now have in the bones, bronzes, pottery and Jane Chu et al found that the over two hundred digital Gua, after finishing its discovery, archaeologists found two parallel digital Gua is not a Divination record, but two meanings similar divination are recorded directly down in the interpretation must take digital Gua and divining methods combine visits. Also frequency digital Gua number divination appear quite different, which may be by way of specific Qigua Shifa decision.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tsinghua Jane "Shifa" Qigua way, Gua solution method, Digital Gua
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