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The European Cities In Modern Foreign Travel

Posted on:2016-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330461985614Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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The city is part of the world, which has its unique properties. Different cities have similarities in cultural system, but separate to see it independently, that every city is the symbol of civilization and culture could be seen as a region of storage. So the city is a diversified comprehensive phenomenon. Is seen as the precipitate of history.London and Paris is the most powerful empire in the 19 th century western-the capital of England and France, As the center of politics, economy and culture of the two countries,London and Paris embody a concentrated reflection of The Times throughout the western world.Since 1840, the opium war broke out, The Qing Government was forced to sign a series of unequal treaties, including the treaty of Nanking, Especially, led by Britain, France, the western powers. In the use of military force to make people feel humiliated, later, continue to pressure, Forcing the willingness of the government of Qing Dynasty on the basis of western countries promised to send envoy from Beijing,so as to ensure their interests in China.At the same time, also hope that east sent envoys to west, Mean to pull the Qing Dynasty into the west to rule the world of modern forms of diplomacy.Since the 1860 s, The Qing Government sent officials as envoys in succession to the west, and the minister formulate rules and regulations to force them write diaries that happened in the west during the visit, most of them are scholar-bureaucrats, representatives are Guo Songtao、Liu Xihong、Zhang Deyi、Li Shuchang and so on,They are out in purpose to complete outside travel,so as to search the foreign culture indirectly,at the same time, seeking the position of their national identity actively.Besides sending officials,there are also scholars、businessmen and some other identity of Chinese,on behalf of the scholars are Wang Tao and Chen Jitong,On behalf of the busninessmen is Li Gui,Besides,there also includes an military expert who actively advocated learning western science and technology in the westernization movement called Xu Jianyin,They began to take a close look at the exotic image after travelling to the west, depth in detail by writing the travel outside of their way to record their investigation of western political, economic, cultural and other aspects, they correspond some achievements.Modern travel reflects people outside using their unique eye witness other countries in the interactions with the change of political situation,which is based on their imagination and experience of the exotic image recognition.Because of the identity of the different view focusing point also vary from person to person.This is a great attempt, for the whole introduces has special significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:city, Modern travel outside, London, Paris
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