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Set Off The Veil Of "veil": Three Questions About "veil"

Posted on:2016-04-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330461485634Subject:Religious Studies
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Through collecting and analyzing related pre-Islam historical materials, Hebrew Bible, Christianity materials and Islam classics including Quran and Hadith, this thesis is trying to solve three issues: 1. Whether veiling traditions began with the birth of Islam. 2. Whether veiling traditions belong to Islam only. 3. Whether Quran and Hadith has explicitly stimulated how to veil. After the analysis and argumentation, this thesis has draw conclusions as following: 1. Veiling is a cultural phenomena widely existing in Near East and Greek regions in pre-Islam period and originally, it’s not a religious phenomena. 2. Veiling transformed from a custom or a law item to a religious responsibility by the force of religions, but Islam is not the only one, as Judaism and Christianity have played such role as well. 3. Principles and regulations about dressing, especially female dressing, exist in Quran and Hadith, but there is no specific regulation about how to veil. Diversity of veiling in current Islam world represents the cultural and traditional diversity in these areas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Veil, Islam, Religious Classics
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