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On The Phonetic Study Of Feng Yu Dialect In Bai

Posted on:2014-10-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330452453935Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is a description of speech Fengyu Bai language. The method in thestudy on the basic theory of linguistics as the basis, speech feature to study the whiteYufeng feather words by field survey method, analytical method, comparativemethod and experimental method of speech. The Bai language phoenix feather wordsand tones, vowels and consonants, the description of the system, and the vowels andconsonants, tone, and characteristics of the language the Feng feather words ofmodern Chinese loanwords layer summarized research, while the Fengyu Bailanguage feather and Jianchuan dialect, Dali dialect, Bijiang dialect comparison,some phonetic features to conclude the Fengyu Bai language plume.The full text is divided into five parts. This paper introduces the theory andmethod of this research purpose, significance and research situation of Bai language,and this choice is based on the. The first chapter of Fengyu feather geography, history,customs and language use situation. Speech--vowels and consonants, tone,describing system the second chapter of the white phoenix feather words in language,tone description descriptive methods of experimental phonetics, by means of speechanalysis software Speech Analyzer on Fengyu Bai language phoenix feather wordtone system are analyzed, and the syllable types, tones of Fengyu Bai language plumewith the specific research, and the relationship between tones. The third chapterphonetic features of Bai language phoenix feather words of Chinese loanwords wereinvestigated, the layer of Chinese loanwords studies focus on the Fengyu Bailanguage feather words, by analyzing some characteristics of Bai language featherwords of modern Chinese loanwords Fengyu layer consonants, vowels and tones. Thefourth chapter will voice system Fengyu Bai language feather words and language theJianchuan dialect, Dali dialect, and Bijiang dialect comparison, obtained a series ofcharacteristics of Fengyu Bai language plume consonant, vowel and tone. Through the description of system Fengyu Bai language feather has thefollowing main features: first, the initials of no consonant, zero initial slight glottalstops, fricatives and affricates of Qingzhuo confrontation, Qing affricatesigmatropic[ts] in33and31when the transfer to wipe voiced sound[dz]. Second, noretroflex vowels and nasal vowels in vowel Fengyu Bai language plume. Third, in thetone of Fengyu Bai language feather dialect has seven tones. Integrated Fengyu Bailanguage plume characteristics of speech, Fengyu Bai language,speech feather wordsmore close to Dali dialect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fengyu Bai language, sound, descriptive study
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