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The Feminist 's Interpretation Of Aristotle' S Logic

Posted on:2015-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330431971652Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There will be such a fundamental discoveries, when we read the vast literature of the philosophy:the female has always been neglected in traditional philosophy. Women, as accupying half human beings, their rights, values and wishes have been neglected and contempted in varying degree, and even been repressed consciously. Thus in the initial western feminist philosophy arising, began to focus on analysis and evaluated the history of Greek philosophy. In the analysis of the ancient Greek philosophy, Aristotle is one of the greatest philosopher, his influence on the history of philosophy is beyond any philosopher. Unfortunately, Aristotle’s view of women is not so lofty. And his erroneous view of women was doubly harmful because it was his view that held sway throughout the Middle Ages. The academic research has been generally believed that on women’s issues, Aristotle’s thought is dominant, rather than the thought of Plato in traditional western thoughts. Therefore, Aristotle contemption view for women, created the absence of women in the logic. From the middle ages to modern times, the traditional ideological discrimination against women has gradually dominate.This article is divided into three chapters:the first chapter is interpretation of the conceptual meaning of the Aristotelian logic and gender, it also analyzed why Aristotle would be granted to exclude women from the logic, the answer is just that because of his dualistic thinking; The second chapter "the logic of Aristotle" including criticism of the Aristotelian logic dualism, replace the specific content with form, critical negation operator, and the criticism four different types of opposition,these four aspects with the perspective of feminism is a profound interpretation of Aristotle’s logic, trying to get people to refocus on Aristotle’s logic about women’s issues. At last, the article refutes the past wrong views that women can not be suited in the logic, and analyzed the logic reconstruction of feminism and the prospect of the future of feminism and logic.
Keywords/Search Tags:Aristotle, Logic, Feminist, Dualism
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