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A Study On The Related Sentence Patterns In

Posted on:2015-12-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L D YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330431967054Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Historical and modern linguists have studied further on the structure of Vdao, and have yielded fruitful achievements. But its not very sufficient on the termsof case studies, especially for the structure with intangible V. This article selects thesentences contained lundao and make a deep analysis on them from the aspects ofsyntax, semantics and pragmatics.Lundao shows reasonableness of the next event among several incidents,which indicates luns motivations, and these motivations connect with the objectiveor subjective world. In specific context, there are some differences on the terms ofexistential vs intangible, intuitive vs abstract about luns meaning, which leads todifferent internal combitions between lun and dao. Accordingly lundao is divided intolundao1and lundao2, and the former is a verb-complement phrase, and the other isin the process of lexicalization. This paper respectively investigates the sentencescontained lundao on the terms of their distributions and characteristics. There aresome differences of lundao1and lundao2s events types, pre-existing sequences&inferential sequences, controllable events&uncontrollable events, expectation&counter-expectation. The motivation of lundao2s lexicalization is analyzed as well.On this basis, this paper compares these situations which can use lundaoonly, and contrasts the other situations that can use lundao and the general verb gaias well, especially on the term of showing reasonableness.Along with the extention of lundaos operation field from the entity to theevent and then to the proposition, non subject-predicate sentence syntacticenvironment weakening lundaos attribute of verbal, the cognitive domains extension,part of the lundaos cases can convey epistemic modality or modality modality.
Keywords/Search Tags:lundao, gai, semantic event, lexicalization modality
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