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Macro - Historical Narration In Microcosm

Posted on:2015-10-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P P SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330431490492Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Human Society with the entrance of the21th Century has been starting to cooldown gradually from the hilarity of the millennium. The countless value such aseconomic benefits, convenience of science and technology which has been created bythe rapid economic development and the rapid reform of the science and technologymakes human beings learn that how to enjoy abundant materials in modern society,however, human society faces the unprecedented crisis, the lack of human nature andthe moral bankruptcy from the monetary lure, developing breakage and modernillusion. Inner world of humans has been in the situation of deterioration, but thedemolishment of environment and ecology still can’t get the effective control andgovernance. The deserted possibility has been existing as well in the naturalenvironment of people’s life. The matters need concerns from the whole world ratherthan several countries in the global era. A Lai who is a Tibetan writer in Chinese deeplyrealizes the gains and losses in this period with his special identity,culture andsensibility. Depending on the individual experiences, the writer’s sense ofresponsibility and pure literary techniques, by looking back and holding the fates of theindividuals wrapped in the floods of history, he rethink the historical revolution frompeople’s life and experiences, the inner and encountering through standing at theworld’s position.The paper explores his unique historical narration and the individualfate from the modernization in A Lai’s works.There are three parts in the paper excepting the introduction and the conclusion. ALai must has the unique experience and comprehension of the two cultures because ofthe closing from natal place to Han areas and his status of a Tibetan writer inChinese.The first chapter discusses that A Lai how to deal with the subject matters ofhistory and reality, how to extend the dimension of the literature exists in the twocomplex fields and how to make up some kind of isomorphism with literarytechnicsbetween peoples and the world when he walks between different cultures. The secondchapter analyses the A Lai’s works from the perspective of "modernity". China’smodernization process has been to the decades. Entering the new century, it is the timethat we should look back to the history and rethink the gains and losses in the process.Modernity has always been a continuous attention topic by A Lai. The rethinking ofModernity has been existing in the inner world in the two novels from Chen Ai LuoDing to KongShan, so the two novels are the whole in this part to analyse the writerhow to question and rethink the Modernity. The third part is a comprehensivediscussion from the aspects of the literaryimages, narrative strategies and individualfates. There is a unique style in A Lai’s novels in which the personal experience andmemory enter into the history and historical fragments are collaged together to seek theindividual survival state and the yearning of spirit,regarding the people as the startingand finishing points at the same time.
Keywords/Search Tags:A Lai, History, Modernity, individuals
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