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A Study On The Formation Of Russian Language In The Perspective Of Temporal Theory

Posted on:2015-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W C WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330431486700Subject:Russian Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The term meme is the core of the theory Memetics. Memetics is a new theory toexplain the law of cultural evolutionism based on Darwinian Evolutionism. Thetheory was proposed and first used by Richard Dawkins, a Neo-Darwinism.According to Dawkins’s view, those who have continued to replicate and spreadbelong to meme, e.g. language, cultural customs, ideas, social behavior, etc. Thememe as a unit of cultural information is of great importance in the development ofhuman languages. On the basis of memetics to study the phenomenonof language, can reveal the law of language development and prospects.With the development of network technology, the netspeak has attracted moreand more attention. In recent years, the scholars mainly from thelinguistic and sociolinguistic study netspeak, focus on vocabulary features, the socialimpact and language specification etc.. Memetics provides a new perspective forthe analysis of netspeak.This thesis renderes memetics as the theoretical basis, amd the Russian netspeakas its research object.This thesis is consisted of three parts, namely the preface, the main body and theconclusion.The preface introduces the research background, states the purpose andsignificance of selecting the topic.The main body was futher divided into five chapters:Chapter one is the part of literature review in which the development of theInternet, the research on netspeak in the perspective of memetics at home and broadare reviewed throughly. Furthermore, the creativity of the present research is alsoindicated.Chapter two is the theoretic framework of the whole thesis, and the authorpresents the memetics and some related issues in details, including the origin anddefinition of meme, characteristics of successful memes, replication and transmissionof memes.Chapter three introduces the concept of netspeak, concludes the definitionand characteristics of netspeak. Chapter four and five are the core parts of the present research, in which analysesthe connection between the netspeak and meme, the cause of the formation ofnetspeak and the composition of Russian netspeak from the memetic perspective.Finally the conclusion of this thesis summarized all of the content and providessome valuable suggestions on standardization and prediction of netspeak.
Keywords/Search Tags:Memetics, Netspeak, Russian language
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