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Talking About The First Librarians In Japan In The Qing Dynasty And The Japanese

Posted on:2015-11-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H N SiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330431483553Subject:Japanese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper, which is based on written material, explores two officials Huang Zunxian’s andShen Wenying’s attitude towards the female.After they arrived in Japan, they together with the Japanese visited the Tokyo scenic spots.Not only did they view the beautiful scenery, but also had the opportunity to contact with theJapanese female.During their stay in Japan, they hired Japanese female to look after their daily like andmaintained sexually relation with them. After they lived together, the officials began to feel veryunsatisfied with Chun and Hua. On the other side, in the poem of Shen Wenying “红豆蔻轩薄幸诗”, the prostitutes form a clear contrast with Chun and Hua. From the contrast, we could see thefeatures of Shen Wenying’s ideal female. First they should be good at dancing, instrument and soon. Second, they must have profound knowledge. Finally, they should value the relation more thanmoney. The relation that Shen Wenying wants is maintained by mutual love instead of money.Unlike other officials, Huang Zunxian had a concubine. He discussed many times with theJapanese with this issue. From the written record between Huang and Dahuang, we could see thatto Huang, the outlook of the woman matters little to him, instead he persued the woman with whohe could have mental communication. Huang loved the historian Qingshan Yanshou’s daughter,and Let Tuogongdaocheng be the matchmaker. But they did have their differences about theconcubine. This difference also exsited among the ordinary Chinese and Japanese. In that time, forChinese man they took concubine for granted. Under this kind of circumstances, Huang hardlynoticed the irrationality. However, at the beginning of Ming zhi period, Japan was influenced bywestern culture; many began to criticized the concubine system and advocated for theabandonment. Dahe and Gongdao were also affected by this idea, so they objected to Huang’sconcubine...
Keywords/Search Tags:written record, Chinese-Japanese communication, attitude towards female
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