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The Distance Between Art And The Real World

Posted on:2015-06-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330431481377Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Watch the appreciator of art and gradually narrow the psychological distance. Artand the real world exists distance. Reality stalwart, no matter how evident only aglimpse of reality. Reality is more complicated than the concept of diverse things,the two concepts are not identical. For the concept of the person holding the idea istransparent; him to understand the world through ideas, without realizing these ideas.The idea is illusory, the concept is undoubtedly put in the position of supreme self-deception. Concepts such limitations, let us explain to reduce the perception ofindividuality and independent thinking, interpretation of art produced a control, thatwould explain the world becomes more barren and dry. Try to get rid of personal ideas,try to get rid of interpretation. Great America, between Avenue are not made.Explain the significance of what is visible, the artist’s goal is to create silence, so thatworks of art to the viewer leaving a silent place. About the reality of the existence ofthe arts, the arts need to transcend reality. Performance art things transcend reality,and reality distanced art makes the viewer distanced reality there is only the highestartistic beauty, imitating reality, can never produce the highest beauty. Increasinglyblurred between art and objects, when we see the kind of art, cool detachment fromeveryday reality out of the face of incomprehensible form or image, we willtemporarily take off from the real world, the habit of thinking, the association alsowill stop dissipated into the real-world need for calm reflection and coming to ignorethings. Focuses on the spiritual essence, completed the goal is more important;media compared with painting I think we should pay more attention to the paintingitself, or that the media only focus only seen media ignored the painting itself isupside down. However, if only the viewer’s attention to the material, but alsoinevitably some failure.Repeatedly face the reality of diversity, since no one can complete understandingof this world, we must make full use of their own unique limitations of the art worldgave a modest.
Keywords/Search Tags:Arts, Reality, Idea, Interpretation, Media
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