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On The Characteristics Of Xiao Junting 's Singing In The Ming Dynasty

Posted on:2014-05-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M S ShiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the50s and60s of Last century, the famous northeast PingJu player, namedXiaoJunTing, conquered countless viewers by her unique singings, and whose performanceand singing art were known as "XiaoJunTing faction". At the same time, she paid her wholeattention to the processing of polishing and renewing the pantaloon role of PingJu, renderingit evolving from a merely inferior role to the leading role.Through the latest achievement of PingJu music--“the DNA analysis”, the author wasmaking a detailed analysis of the singings of traditional drama by Xiao, the new historicaldrama singings and singings of modern drama, thus to excavate its singing characteristics andits evolution law, by which the author is willing to explore the innate reason why didXiaoJunTing make a significant contribution to PingJu music.
Keywords/Search Tags:PingJu, Singings of PingJu, XiaoJunTing faction, XiaoJunTing, DNA, gene singings
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