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Multicast Routing Algorithms On Network

Posted on:2002-06-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2168360032953006Subject:Operational Research and Cybernetics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In computer networks, multicasting is a communication pattern that is widely usedand is studied by many researchers. Multicasting involves the message from a sourcenode are distributed to reach many, but not all, destinations, which is the extension ofpoint-to-point and broadcasting communications. Steiner Tree construction is acommonly used approach in solving the multicast route problem. This paper centers onhow to construct QoS constrained multicast routing trees with low cost.1.Summarize all existing heuristic algorithms for the Steiner tree problem, andanalyze their time complexities, worst-case performance ratio and efficiencies indifferent network models. A 3Basic-node combination multicast algorithm withmuch lower worst-case performance ratio is proposed, which can improve theworst-case performance. Moreover, all kinds of distributed multicastingalgorithms are studied.2.Deal with degree-constrained multicast routing problem. Three algorithms aregiven. The first one is a distributed algorithms using shortest-path-basedloop-detection, which can reduce the number of message required to deal with theloop appeared possibly when constructing the multicast route. The Second is avery robust route-reconstruction algorithm. Last, a one-layer query routingalgorithm is given, which has lower time-complexity than the algorithm proposedabove does.3.At last, the experimental results for all algorithms are given. Some useful adviseon the realization of the multicasting algorithms are proposed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Multicast routing, distribute algorithm, 3Basic node combine, degree-constrainedmulticast tree, Steiner tree
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