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Study On Femtosecond Ti:Sapphire Laser Amplifier System

Posted on:2002-02-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H ZhaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The technology of ultra-short laser pulse generation and ampIification usingTit Sapphire as the gain and ampIifier media has attracted extensive attention a nd beenstudied intensively in recent years because of its broad applied in many researc hesfields such as high-fie1d physics X-ray Iaser. biology and chemislry etal ln thi sdissertation, the theory of femto-second pulse laser amplifier system usingTifSapphire crystal was discussed systematically and many methods were broughtfonvard to resoIve the probably existed problems in each part of the system Base d onthe achieved results, experimentaI works has further developed.The major contents of this thesis are arranged as follows fThe development and application of ultra-short laser PPIse technology areintroduced in chapter one. In succession, the theory of chirPed-pulse amplifier systemis given in detail,Firstly, studying from designing experimental light road and optical componentsto theoretical analysis, we par'tly finished the system by ourselves. About ultr a-shoftpulse with a pulse-width of 9.8f s and output power of 650mW and band-width ofabout l 20nm is output from oscillator source,SecondIy, the stretching capacity of single grating four-pass stretcher ismeasured using ABCD matrix combining Collins function, and the effect of relativ eparameters to the streching ratio is also simulated.Thirdly, a new type of disjunctional frequency moduIating function is providedaccording to the gain-narrowing and gain-saturation which are appeared in the co urseof amplification, Under modulating the two effects are both controlled on some e xtent,FourthIy, the effect of ASE that is often ignored by people is analyzed and theresolving methods are also given.Lastly, it is the material of ampli fier part of system that contains the high-o rderdispersion.Excepting mentioned above,on the research of quantum optics field, a newmodel of mu1ti-mode superposition 1 ight field which is made of two quantum stat es isconstrrIcted and studied in detail LISing the theory of multi-mode squeezed stat e, andsome important results are attained...
Keywords/Search Tags:ultra-short laser pulse, CPA system, kerr-lens-mode-locking, SPM, GVD, SESAM, gain-narrowing gain-saturation, cavity dispersion nonaxiality, Multi-mode superposition light field, equal-order N-th power Y-squeezing, Equal-order N-th power H-squeezing
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