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Kindergarten Collective Class Evaluation Activities Research

Posted on:2011-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W M LongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360308470871Subject:Pre-primary Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the implementation of the new syllabus, as well as the beginning of the new curriculum reform, all aspects of early childhood education has greatly changed, and so are Kindergarten class Evaluation activities as a collective part of the garden's teaching and research.Collective class Evaluation activities are based on Kindergarten classroom teaching, by discussing and interacting among the main class evaluating, understanding the problems in classroom teaching and analyzing the causes and then proposing solutions to promote Kindergarten teaching as well as improve childhood teachers professional development, which ultimately primate early children's development. In view if this study, two Kindergartens in Hohhot City are made as cases so us to do in-depth investigation and study of these two kindergarten class evaluating activities.In the course of the study, literature method, observation, interviews, case analysis and other scientific research methods are used to do further research on some of the situations involved in collective Kindergarten class evaluation activities, and sum up the characteristics and inadequacies of collective Kindergarten class evaluating activities on the basis of investigation so that some good proposals are put forward to promote the healthy development of the kindergarten class evaluation activities.According to the research and investigation, I realize that on the one hard the activity is mechanical, unprofessional, and mediocre and on the other hand, it makes the activity inefficient and be short of professional guide. At the same time, the main part of awareness of teachers is not strong enough that leads to the teaching evaluation lack universality and passion among teachers.First, we should set up the management system about collective evaluation on classes teaching. Thus, not only this kind of system points to the professional management but also the encouraged health care system can promote the teachers of kindergartens to be the main part in the evaluation so that they will be more initiative and creative. As a result, it makes the evaluation of class more effective and maximum the corresponding functions.Next, there should be a study community. Because of the collective activity on classes, teaching kindergarten emphasize the cooperation among teachers. Unless we carry out the way of professional cooperation and study in groups, the activity will not be high-quality and efficient.The paper consists of the following 4 parts.The 1st Part: From 3 aspects of the kindergarten class evaluating activities-problems-putting forward, research significance, literature review, a brief outline is made to talk about the theme of this study and origins, research value domestic and international research characteristics and inadequacies as well.The 2nd Part: From 4 aspects: the objective of the study, the object of study, research methods, research process, an overview of the overall design concept is outlined.The 3rd part: Though observation, interviews, and case studies, the current status of the class evaluation is presented and analyzed to lay the foundation for further discussion and recommendations.The 4th part: On the basis of actual situation analysis and literature sorting, the characteristics and inadequacies of the kindergarten collective class evaluating activities are stated and also some good proposals are put forward to promote the sound development of activities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Kindergarten, collective class evaluating activity, Interaction, Community research
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