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The Consideration About Colleges And Universities Identity Design And Construction Of Campus Culture

Posted on:2010-05-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360302966338Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the socialist market economy, in-depth development of higher education structural reform, the market mechanism of the university system, college survival, operation and development are increasingly produced a strong impact, employment, school enrollment, funding costs, market competition, etc. The pressure for schools to the school size, teaching quality and research level, the overall style, outreach and other areas to improve overall strength, build brand image.Brand is a product of market development, in this increasingly rich commodities increasingly competitive era, people's awareness of the brand or even outnumber the product or service themselves, which makes the brand into market competition, the most effective tool. As China's market economy development and the reform of higher education system, higher education, an irreversible trend toward market-oriented colleges and universities to shape the brand for the university's own development as well as in higher education, gain competitive advantage in the market are extremely necessary. UI that is, English (University Identity) of the acronym, meaning "High School Image Design System", or "university identification system." In accordance with CI (Corporate Identity) Corporate Identity System Development extension from. UI is full of colleges and universities colleges and universities operate in personality, college spirit, management strategies, behaviors and other information, the use of communication systems to convey to the community as a whole, so that the public colleges and universities produce a consistent identity, thereby enhancing the university's reputation and brand value, create college cultural image. UI College brand image recognition system by a university philosophy UMI; behavior recognition system college UBI; College visual identity system, three subsystems constitute a UVI.Campus culture as a force for environmental education, the healthy growth of the students had a tremendous impact. Construction of campus culture's ultimate goal is to create an atmosphere with a view to cultivate sentiments of students, build student health personality, and comprehensively improve the quality of students. This article analyzes the construction of campus culture, content and significance.Image and the relationship between college campus culture to the school's survival and development, good image and the campus culture is the strength and overall quality of colleges and universities embodiment is to win the recognition and trust of the foundation is to attract talent, and new students important prerequisite for the allocation of graduates a reliable guarantee of employment, but also teachers and students cohesion, centripetal force, pride and sense of identity an important factor is the great universities of intangible assets and precious spiritual wealth. In this paper, Jilin Railway Vocational and Technical College campus, and campus culture, promote the image of construction as the background in order to UI strategy based on the theory, analysis of the implementation of the UI system, the importance of colleges and universities, as well as how to design and shape the college's brand image. In this paper, image design and campus colleges and universities the definition of cultural construction, content, features, etc. The author describes some of the views and stressed the image of college-oriented design and construction of campus culture, the role and significance. The author cited the university's school's image in the design and construction of campus culture, and readers to think together about colleges and universities in order to image the design and construction of campus culture, ideas and processes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Universities image, image design, campus culture
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