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The Research On Funding For Rural Junior High School

Posted on:2011-05-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J B MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360302497489Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Compulsory education is a foundament of educational undertaking for its Basic, guiding, overall characteristics. However, China has long been subjected to the specific economic and social development stages, compulsory education, especially Rural compulsory education has not been placed on the key security of governmental finance, and become the weakest part of the entire education system.With education reform in-depth, the reform of the financial safeguard mechanism for compulsory education in rural areas has brought great changes in compulsory education in rural areas. However, the weak link in compulsory secondary education, the school conditions continue to face backward, building critical teachers, educational quality, and student development issues such as the development of outstanding difficulties. The analysis can come to cause hardship in rural middle school education major factors:lower secondary education in rural areas are overlooked for a long time, due to the lack of overall development planning, not considering new educational needs and levels of government in the rural middle management and financial protection in the responsibilities are unclear. Thus, rural compulsory education system should reform, improve and innovation of existing system, basing on the social background of economic restructing of china, public management reform,a well-balanced development of both urban and rurul.Therefore, the paper concludes with the following ideas and suggestions: government formulates rightly rural junior high school development plan; Governments at all levels clarify their respective duty for rural compulsory education management;establish and improve the central, provincial and county levels financial monitoring and evaluation system of rural compulsory education and the school budget management system. Implement adequate funding for rural junior middle schools Progressive and carrying supporting police of rural junior high school students.Innovation security system for rural junior high school.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural junior high school, Education funding, Security System
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